aver1Aver was born in Leeds, England on October 10 1977. She was the third child and first female to the family of Dr Boniface and Mrs Urszula Wada. The specialist at the Leeds University Teaching Hospital who examined her discovered that she was bridged and he had to change the position of the baby, and the pain disappeared. When the time came for delivery, there was no labour pain, so the doctors had to induce delivery. Aver was born by breach delivery with cord tightly around her neck. Even though she was slow to breathe and cry, she was otherwise a lovely baby girl full of black long hairs.


aver2Aver’s parents were told to watch her development and to continue to take her head measurement regularly after she went home with her Mother. Several months passed but Aver’s development was unusually slow. She never uttered a word or made any sensible noise. Aver’s parents were informed by the doctors that she was a palsied child who would not develop normally as other children. Her parents were saddened by this news, especially her mother who had waited for several years to have a daughter. However, her parents accepted the responsibility of looking after Aver in her condition. 


aver3Aver’s parents were informed by a medical expert that her condition could be traced to the time her mother reported to Leeds University Teaching Hospital complaining of labour pains.He went on to say that the turning of the baby was responsible for the cord found around her neck during delivery. This action impaired oxygen flow to the brain and eventually led to the damage to the entire nervous system. The result was total paralysis, a condition known as palsy in medical parlance. This revelation was difficult for the parents and they prayed to God for guidance and eventually decided to do nothing rather than seek legal redress.


aver4Aver was quite an intelligent girl. She never uttered a word while she lived but her family was certain she understood all that was said to her. She showed disapproval to unkind words and accepted positive comments. In 1993, Aver was taken to Hollybank School in Huddersfield where there were other children with similar disabilities like Aver. Angela was described by Dr Cunningham , a Consultant Psychologist/Specialist in Learning Disability, as “a gentle, responsive and attractive personality. She has a smile and laugh and a range of facial expressions to indicate mood, likes and dislikes”. After several weeks at the school, her parents took Aver back to Nigeria as they could not leave her alone for a long period of time.


aver5On May 21 1996, Aver slept in the Lord four months to her 19th birthday. We strongly believe that she is reunited with her Creator in Heaven. Her Requiem Mass held at the Catholic Cathedral in Port Harcourt was conducted by , Rt Rev Dr John Onaiyekan, now Cardinal Onaiyekan, the Catholic Archbishop of Abuja.During her burial at Mbaduku in Vandeikya Local Government of Benue State poor children cried and wept uncontrollably and it is for those children and others like them that Aver Angela Memorial Foundation is established. It is geared towards bringing succour to many deprived children, particularly in the rural areas, where many do not have any hope of living the quality of life like their counterparts in the cities. In this manner Aver’s name will continue to be remembered by all those who had the opportunity to meet her as well as those who never knew her during her short stay on earth.


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